We had a wonderful carefree day today. We went to Lowe's for a Cub Scout special activity on how to build the infamous Pinewood Derby car. We have two of these babies under our belts now from past years but every year is a new challenge as we think up wilder and more elaborate designs.
Later, we stopped at the library to research the date that Attila the Son was born for another Scout achievement. As though we didn't already have enough books -- and you can NEVER have enough books -- we dropped by a local church sale to browse for some more.
Informal Guide to Church Rummage Sales
I've gone to a lot of rummage sales at religious establishments and have learned that each denomination has certain characteristics that will help with your shopping. While this information is given tongue-in-cheek, there is a little grain of truth hiding inside. Test at your next rummage sale.
Catholics - most childrens' clothing, religious art, beaten up odds-n-ends; large selection of Reader's Digest Condensed books and trashy novels; usually a booth with good sloppy joes or thick soup; pricing is usually on the low end for all goods.
Lutherans - most unopened and unused gift items; holiday sweaters.
Episcopalians - High quality conservative clothing; good selection of hardcover business, educational and current books; higher prices.
Jews - Many children's items, including books and educational toys; seriously expect to haggle; delicious baked goods.
Methodists - Clothing is washed and ironed and/or freshly drycleaned; wide variety of practical goods like bicycles, furniture and kitchen goods; not much shiny or fancy.
Unitarian/Universalists - The most eclectic selection of books possible; a good source for natural materials and exotic, almost painfully sincere items.
Night Trains
A new display of toy trains has taken over the building just to the north of the main Bandana Square. Multiple train layouts are displayed, several with button-activated devices to delight children of any age.
We ended the day at the railroad-themed Broadway Pizza, just right for the end of the line.
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