I've been planning on writing about procrastination for some time but I've kept putting it off. (rimshot sound)
Never put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow. ~Mark
It's hard for me to overcome the imbalance of spending more time planning than
doing. In past professions, I did a lot of planning and I was good at it.
Perhaps too good. It was nice to develop a plan and have someone else
responsible for actually implementing. T sometimes tires of being my labor
force, though -- went left to his own devices -- his device is the TV.
Only Robinson Crusoe had everything done by Friday. ~Author Unknown
I'm trying a simple philosophy and I strongly recommend it. Take your list, either physical or mental, and first do the thing that you are dreading the most. It's rarely as bad as anticipated and there's such a feeling of joy to have the hated task out of the way.
"Do or do not do. There is no try." ~ Master Yoda
On the other hand, if Hamlet hadn't procrastinated, it would be a much shorter play.
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